Proper motion is essential for proper function.
Traditional treatment of many extremity problems involves splinting the joint to reduce movement, pain medications, muscle relaxers, and even surgery, although today, a more common sense approach is being taken.
Joint mobilization, like chiropractic care for the spine, is used in the care of elbows, wrists, and other joints of the body. Helping to restore normal range of motion to joints that have become “locked up”, “jammed”, or injured, seems to improve blood circulation, reduce scar tissue, and speed the healing process.
Our Doctors of Chiropractic are trained to detect and restore proper joint function of the spine and the extremities. Find out if you can be helped, by arranging for a consultation and thorough examination today!
Joint damage from repetitive motion can often be helped with chiropractic care, avoiding immobilizing braces, drugs, or surgery.
Finding the cause of your problem.
Joints of the body can lose their normal motion and position and will result in symptoms of pain, swelling and loss of function. Many are surprised to learn that joint pain in the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, ankle, or knee can often be helped by chiropractic care.